eighth notes造句
- Richard plays staccato eighth notes while Palmer plays a fast shuffle.
- The expositional coda also features motifs containing three eighth notes.
- When 2 digits appear they are each eighth notes and so forth.
- The central hi-hat sounding every second eighth note.
- His hair style resembled an eighth note on its side.
- Swing eighth notes are generally played legato ( slurred ).
- Forward motion resumes with a relentless pounding of eighth notes.
- That is, if it's between 2 eighth notes ??
- Eugene Drucker of the Emerson quartet plays this as two distinct eighth notes.
- The longest value possible to show being the eighth note ( quaver ).
- It's difficult to see eighth notes in a sentence. 用eighth notes造句挺难的
- Usually the more eighth notes in a measure the faster they are played.
- Six sudden eighth notes move the melody along.
- He d always have these eighth notes but there d be these chord clusters.
- Statement of the subject, written in tied eighth notes, a peculiar and paradoxical notation
- Also, the quarter notes'sound like'eighth notes in one giant measure.
- Variation one involves triplets, while variation two involves syncopated sixteenth-eighth note rhythms.
- Often, eighth note triplets are mixed with sixteenth note runs in a single bar.
- Quarter notes are 2nd decade, dotted quarter notes 3rd, and eighth notes 4th.
- Gergiev conducts the passage at a strikingly slower tempo ( about 92 per eighth note ).
- Therefore, the underlying rhythmic grid to most jazz music is an eighth note triplet pattern.
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